
HF Expertise have developed a suite of Human Factors courses that in total address the key features of the Health and Safety Executive’s Human Factors Road Map. You can choose to follow the courses in sequence or to jump into a particular area you want to know more about. Alternatively, if you know you are going to rely on consultants to carry out most of the work, then we really recommend you sign on to our Human Factors in Major Hazards: What the Regulator Wants training course. Delivered by the people who wrote the inspection standard and trained the COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) Competent Authority’s inspectors to deliver it, we can provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to know that you are getting the right service and products.

Want to get a group of people trained up in Human Factors to support your business, we can deliver bespoke training at your premises at a discounted price. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

If you are interested in following the whole programme, contact us to discuss the best option for you

Humans Factors
A dense cloud of chlorine envelops the MGPI plant

Accident Investigation

As former HSE Specialist Inspectors, trainers Julie Bell and Pippa Brockington have extensive experience of accident investigation from initial enquiries to preparing for trial. They have designed this course to help you understand how to find the root cause of an accident and why that is important for making effective…

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Design and Management of Procedures

After the success of the Accident Investigation training (“possibly the best training I have ever been on” from course feedback) Pippa Brockington and Julie Bell (Human Factors Expertise Ltd) are back at CATCH with their training in: Design and Management of Procedures Organisations rely on procedures to direct employees to…

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Heart shape created using piled jigsaw pieces.

Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique Plus (HEART+) online

Note: this page is for booking on the on-line course. For the 2 day course at CATCH Facility, Stallingborough, please click here. HEART+ is the reviewed, revised and extended version of the Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique.   This on-line course combines self-directed learning and webinars to deliver the following…

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Human Factor Awareness Training

This half day training course at the CATCH Facility, Stallingbrough, provides an overview of Human Factors for people new to the topic.  The course is aimed at providing anyone who may need to be involved in Human Factors related work with basic Human Factors concepts.  The course is based around…

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Human Factors in Major Hazards: What the Regulator Wants

The purpose of this course is to equip Health and Safety and Process Safety Specialists to be  Intelligent Customers for Human Factors. It will help you to spend your precious time and money on the most helpful activities. This 2 day course focuses on what is required for legal compliance…

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Managing Maintenance Error

One of the most critical areas of human work on major hazard sites, and yet, one of the most overlooked from a Human Factors perspective. The more automated a site is and the more we rely on engineered control measures, the more important it is to understand how human error…

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Qualitative Human Reliability Analysis

Qualitative Human Reliability Analysis sits at the heart of assuring human performance in the control of major accident hazards, where it forms part of a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.  Learn how to identify human failure types, factors that increase or decrease their likelihood, and most importantly, how you can…

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